Simple hacks for daily confidence BeaA - Be At Home with Yourself

Simple hacks for daily confidence

When creating clothes for women of different sizes, ages, statuses, you still have to hear phrases like "I can't wear such an outfit, it's more for models, beautiful and young girls who look good in everything". And every time a woman visits BeaA studio at Andrejostas street 23, Riga with styling tips and finding suitable outfits, we change her view of herself and possibilities in clothing!

How? Quite simply, by recalling the most basic advices given to women already in childhood:

  • A woman's charm lies in her "liveliness"! How well and convincingly you can carry the outfit largely depends on how well you feel. When selecting BeaA models for photo sessions in the open calls, the most important criteria are burning eyes and great desire, the stylist takes care of the rest!
  • Taking care of yourself works wonders! Combing your hair, styling it and minimal make-up can completely change your feeling and confidence for the day, which can definitely be felt by those around you. No magic tricks are used for the models in the photo sessions either, just neat hair, slightly highlighted face features and clothes.
  • Clothing suitable for height, age and status. New fashion trends are not for everyone and everywhere, and it shouldn't be! If, on your own or with the help of a specialist, you find what clothes suit you and perform the necessary daily functions, you will not have to worry about what to wear today or whether I will look good, be understood or taken seriously. Every woman is unique, so find the colours, styles, fabrics and designs that highlight your best qualities and move forward in life with your head held high!

BeaA brand creates clothing for every occasion and can help you find the most suitable combinations, colours and sizes for you. One of the most sought-after pieces of clothing is the Black Palazzo pants, with truly limitless combinations possible! They are available in sizes from XS to 2XL and can be worn with silk tops, loose t-shirts, solid blouses, warm and chunky sweaters, various vests, jackets and more, not to mention the possible colour combinations.

Wear confidence with BeaA!

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